By joining the Quebec Student Union, you are joining forces with the student community.

What is the QSU?

The Quebec Student Union is a group of 10 associations and 91 student members. Our mission is to represent and defend the rights and interests of the student community to the Quebec government.

The QSU participates in social change, while prioritizing issues affecting higher education.

Why the QSU?

The benefits of membership.

Our association also exists to advocate for and support our member student organizations in the face of challenges and obstacles to their operation.

As a member, you will get:
_ Free participation in surveys;
_ The right to vote in the bodies and a seat on the board of directors;
_ Access to Juripop's legal services;
_ Financial support for regional projects;
_ Participation in the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA-ACAE);
_ Political representation, advice and personalized support.

A strong national student association is a unifying place where the ideas and energy of the student movement come together.

We must join forces and participate in protecting and defending the interests of the student community.

Join us and amplify the power of the student movement!
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