

The Quebec Student Union is a national association that represents the demands of its 12 member associations and the student population to the government for concrete improvements in student conditions.

Mission and vision

The QSU’s mission is to defend the rights and interests of the student community, of its member associations, and of their members by promoting, protecting and improving the conditions of students and those of local and international communities, in line with its values.

The QSU seeks to unite the university student community, to work in solidarity with organizations and associations that share its objectives, to represent its member associations and to position itself as an indispensable participant in all relevant forums.

The QSU participates in social change, while prioritizing issues affecting higher education.


Effectiveness: advancing with a well-founded discourse to make tangible progress.

Equity: paying particular attention to the different realities composing the student community (based on age, language, origin, socioeconomic condition, life experience, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, religion, minority or marginalized communities) to include and consider them justly and equitably without discrimination.

Transparency: a democratic structure that is clear, accessible, and transparent.

Collegiality: encouraging member associations to treat each other with collegiality, respect, and consideration.

Local sovereignty: respecting the local sovereignty of member associations and their internal decision-making processes.
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