

Discover the various political initiatives undertaken by the Quebec Student Union to defend the interests of the university student community on issues of direct concern to them.

Pour la suite du monde movement

May 2024 - Event

On May 22, 2024, the QSU and 39 other civil society organizations, representing a total of two million members, gathered in front of the National Assembly to call on the government to plan a genuine energy, ecological and social transition.

We are asking to be able to participate democratically in a dialogue with the government on the various crises, their solutions and the concrete means of action to be put in place.

In particular, the QSU is asking the government to release funds for the ecological transition of universities, since they are the main polluters in the institutional sector. This is alarming!

Call for mobilization
These groups, which form the Movement Pour la suite du monde, have issued a call for action and mobilization, culminating in demonstrations across Quebec on September 27, to demand concrete action in favor of social and environmental transition.

Other related article

Pour la suite du monde movement

June 2024 - Open letter

On June 3, an open letter signed by some forty organizations from the trade union, environmental, health, social economy, community and student sectors, as well as citizens' collectives, was published.

This letter, published in La Presse, reiterates our demand that the government take action for social and environmental transition.

Bill 44

March 2024

On March 20, 2024, our president Catherine Bibeau-Lorrain was present in parliamentary committee to study Bill 44.

We believe that the Research Funds of Quebec should come under the Ministry of Higher Education and not under the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation.

The QSU was able to defend several positions in its brief to this effect. Our president put forward the following points:

- The importance of ensuring that the Academic Freedom Act and university autonomy are preserved in their research activities ;

- That it is essential to maintain student positions in the governance of the Research Funds of Quebec ;

- Automatic indexation of student grants. For the moment this is not the case, and that's problematic! The importance of non-oriented research within the possible unified Research Funds of Quebec ;

- It is important to rebalance the funding of the different areas of expertise, for example, by granting more funding to the humanities!
Read the brief
Bill 44

Articles quoting QSU on this subject :

Bill 42

January 2024

On January 30, 2024, the QSU and FECQ addressed the parliamentary committee studying Bill 42.

The QSU was able to put forward the following demands, which we consider essential to take into account in this bill :

- The government must ensure that amnesty clauses do not apply to sexual violence (section 97.1 must be included directly in the Act respecting labour standards)

- Ensure that the disciplinary file follows the employee when the latter has committed acts of sexual misconduct (when the employee changes jobs or establishments) ;

- Ensure that the sanction system is uniform throughout the network and from one establishment to another;

- Outlaw sexual relations between faculty members and members of the student community to whom they have a direct authority relationship.
Read the brief
Bill 42

Articles quoting QSU on this subject :

Quebec Experience Program

September 2023

On September 20, 2023, our president, Catherine Bibeau Lorrain, and our socio-political affairs coordinator, Etienne Paré, presented our brief on Multi-Year Immigration Planning for the period 2024-2027 to the National Assembly's Committee on Citizen Relations.

The QSU was able to put forward the demands of the international student community in Quebec, notably concerning the reform of the :

- The proposed constraints in terms of knowledge of French ;

- The lack of incentives for francization for students studying in English ;

- The importance of a continuous intake of students in the Quebec Experience Program "Graduates" section; Return to pre-2020 reform conditions.
Read the brief 
Quebec Experience Program

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