
Meeting with ACFAS President

UEQ en ondes is a podcast in which we explore, discuss and explain issues that directly affect the student community. Each theme presented in this podcast offers an enlightened perspective thanks to the presence of guest speakers and specialists.

UEQ en ondes is a platform for exchange, information and reflection for and by the student community.
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Meeting with ACFAS President

Episode #8

Welcome to our second episode on research funding in Quebec. In this episode, we welcome Martin Maltais, President of ACFAS, to discuss research funding in Quebec, the next generation of researchers and science in French.

Martin Maltais is also Professor of Financing and Education Policy at UQAR's Lévis campus. A local manager, he is a key player in the development of educational, higher education and digital policies in Quebec. The author of several documents and numerous papers on the policies and financing of education, higher education and distance learning, he is a key player in these fields.

Host: Etienne Paré, président de l’Union étudiante du Québec.
Guest : Martin Maltais, ACFAS President

Find out more about the QSU research funding campaign

This winter of 2025, the QSU has launched the “Canada surpasses Quebec in research” campaign. As part of this campaign, we are asking the Quebec government to follow Canada's example by increasing funding for the Fonds de recherche du Québec, because our next generation of researchers is living below the poverty line!

To make your voice heard on this issue
Find out more about the campaign 

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